Special Events

Hope for Wolves Rally


Use your voice on behalf of the endangered Mexican gray wolves!

We are here to celebrate and support the wolf who Arizona students recently named “Hope” and her family named the Kendrick Peak Pack.

The Kendrick Peak Pack live peacefully in the excellent wolf habitat near Flagstaff and Grand Canyon National Park, but Arizona Game and Fish Department and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service intend to capture and relocate them because they've roamed north of the unscientific, politically-motivated wolf boundary established at Interstate-40.

Instead, the agencies should allow the Kendrick Peak Pack to remain in the place where they've chosen to make their home, an area that wolves roamed for millennia before humans wiped them out.

Talking points:

  • The Kendrick Peak Pack should be left alone and not captured and moved (i.e. “translocated").
  • Science and the Kendrick Peak Pack show us that ideal habitat exists north of I-40.
  • We need wolves on the landscape to restore the ecological health of the Grand Canyon region.
  • Wolves are sentient individual beings with their own lived experiences; we need to stop disrupting their lives.
  • Genetic recovery will only be possible if we allow Mexican gray wolves to expand their range and intergrade with northern gray wolves, which could also approximate the distribution of wolf types before extermination.
  • Wolves can't read maps and shouldn't be punished for following their instincts to disperse and establish new territories.
  • Let’s learn from recolonizing wolves in the Grand Canyon ecosystem, including through monitoring populations and distribution of other wildlife and plant species, instead of once again imposing our brute human will on a sensitive ecosystem.
  • State and federal agencies should focus on keeping the wolves safe on the landscape through science-based public education and consistent enforcement of the law.

For more info check out our press releases! 

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