Echo - The Grand Canyon Wolf

"because she came back to the Grand Canyon like an Echo does"

gray wolf grand canyon AZGFD

Echo is the name given to a 3 year old, female Northern gray wolf who traveled hundreds of miles from the area where she was captured and collared near Cody, Wyoming, to the North Kaibab Plateau by the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. She was sighted by many lucky residents, Grand Canyon National Park staff, and tourists visiting the area in northern Arizona where she roamed in October and November 2014. She had made an incredible dispersal journey, likely in search of a mate and a territory to call her own. But she was the first, and only wolf to be in that part of Arizona in over 70 years, so she traveled on, and met her tragic fate by the bullet from a hunter's gun near Beaver, Utah, on December 28, 2014.

Echo's story was an inspiration for us all. She came to the excellent wolf habitat of the Grand Canyon region, and hopefully marked a trail for other dispersing wolves to follow. This page is a dedication to her memory, and a tribute to her life.

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 Photos of Echo by AZGFD.

Read News Articles and Press Releases about her Life:

Wolf-like animal seen roaming in northern Arizona (October 30, 2014)
Gray Wolf Spotted in Grand Canyon for First Time in Decades? (November 1, 2014)
Gray wolves return to Grand Canyon? (November 15, 2014)
Press Release: DNA Tests Confirm First Wolf in Over 70 years is Living near Grand Canyon's North Rim (November 21, 2014)
News Release: Canid North of Grand Canyon Confirmed to be a Rocky Mountain Gray Wolf (November 21, 2014)
Gray Wolf Near Grand Canyon's North Rim Endured Long, Harrowing Journey
(November 24, 2014)
Press Release: Grand Canyon Wolf Named "Echo" in World-wide Contest (December 11, 2014)
Hoooowl no! Canyon wolf may have been killed (December 30, 2014)
OPINION: Who has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of a wolf?
(December 31, 2014)
Press Release: Confirmed - Echo, the First Wolf in Over 70 years at Grand Canyon, Is Dead (February 11, 2015)
Wolf killed in Utah was animal from rare Arizona sighting (February 11, 2015)
Lessons From the Brief, Lonesome Life of Echo the Wolf (February 18, 2015)
Opinion: The wolf's journey ends in Utah (March 8, 2015)
Press Release: Investigation Complete for Wolf Killed in Utah (July 9, 2015)
No charges against Utah cougar hunter who killed Echo the wandering wolf: "I had a shot and took it." (July 9, 2015)
Utah hunter who killed gray wolf won't be charged (July 9, 2015)
Op-ed: Hunter's story of wolf killing is highly dubious (September 5, 2015)


 The Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project is excited to help support the work of artists, Sky Black and the Mural Mice, R. E. Wall and Margaret Dewar, as their fiscal agent for fundraising to paint Phase II of the Sound of Flight Mural on the Orpheum Theater in downtown Flagstaff, Arizona. Phase II of the mural will feature a Grand Canyon scene with the Grand Canyon wolf, Echo, standing on the rim of the canyon. Echo's memory will continue to be honored for many years to come and help raise awareness for wolf recovery in the Grand Canyon region as a permanent part of this mural. Read the pdfMural Mice Newsletter for more information about the Sound of Flight Mural project.

Visit the Sound of Flight website

Mural Dedication Ceremony
Saturday, November 7, 2015 from 2:00 - 5:00 pm
at the mural wall on the east side of the Orpheum Theater
15 W. Aspen Ave., Flagstaff, AZ

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Read the Public Service Announcement about the Mural Dedication.

Join the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project at the mural dedication ceremony as we celebrate the artists and their amazing mural with an afternoon of food, refreshments and entertainment.

Special thanks for the funding provided by the BBB Revenues from the City of Flagstaff and the Flagstaff Arts Council to the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project on behalf of the Mural Mice for the fabulous Phase II of the Sound of Flight Mural!

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The Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project was happy to be a part of the Mural Benefit Party on June 19, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the Orpheum Theater!

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