Delisting Mexican wolves sets dangerous precedent

AZ Daily Sun (original) Posted: Monday, February 21, 2011 5:00 am

To the editor: I would like to thank Steve Robinson and the editors for the op-ed on Mexican gray wolves on Feb. 9. While 50 wolves is an increase and welcome news, I am disgusted to see Senators McCain and Kyl co-signing a bill with Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) of Utah that would legislatively remove gray wolves from the Endangered Species List. This would include our now 50 lobos.

Let's be clear -- this is not a "delisting" bill, this is an "extinction" bill, and would remove protections for all gray wolves in the U.S. Legislatively removing a species from the ESA sets a precedent that undermines the integrity of this historic piece of legislation, and begs the question, "Who's next?" Wildlife management decisions should be left up to biologists and the best available science, instead of the whims of politicians and special interests.

Our 50 Mexican gray wolves need protection now to avoid a second extinction in the wilds of Arizona and New Mexico.

