About Us

The Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project works for the recovery of the Mexican gray wolf in the wild by

  • Educating our communities by sharing our knowledge of the importance of wolves in healthy ecosystems, through public events and presentations in local schools
  • Motivating the public to learn about, care for, and respect wolves and their habitats
  • Activating our neighbors and supporters to address government agencies in support of wolf recovery

Special Event

  • Wolf Supporter Business Directory

    Wolf Supporter Business Directory

    As a business owner, please join us in supporting the recovery of wolves, specifically in the Grand Canyon region in northern Arizona and southern Utah. By joining the Wolf Supporter Business Directory, you will show policymakers that the recovery of the Mexican wolf in the Grand Canyon ecoregion is a positive for our region. Your business will benefit from the increased tourism, for example, wolf tourism in the Yellowstone region brings in $82 million a year.

    Here in Arizona, the presence of wolves in the remote Blue Range Wolf Recovery area has brought in between $3.2 and $3.8 million annually in net benefits. We can look forward to similar effects in our region, perhaps on the scale of those experienced in the Yellowstone region, given the presence of Grand Canyon National Park and the tourism infrastructure that already exists here.

    In addition, our region can benefit from the ecological effects that wolves, as top carnivores, can exert on ecosystems, as documented in the Yellowstone region. Biodiversity among plants and animals increased as wolves affected the movements of deer and elk in the region. No longer are these animals over-browsing some areas, causing erosion along waterways and inhibiting new growth of plants that provide shelter, nesting material, shade to streams, and food for other species. Healthy forests with high biodiversity will be important as we continue to experience the effects of a warming planet and will also provide improved opportunities for recreational activities such as bird-watching, hiking, camping, and wildlife viewing.

    We urge the USFWS to stick to the principle of basing recovery goals for the Mexican wolf on peer-reviewed science and to resist the efforts of narrow political interests that undermine this recovery. Show your support with the 81% of Arizona voters who also support the return of the Mexican wolf to the Grand Canyon region and who look forward to the benefits, both ecological and economic that will accompany this return.

    Please sign up here

Take Action Now!

  • Photo of Anubis by Keith Hayes Endangered Mexican gray wolf “Anubis” (m2520) was shot and killed illegally on the Kaibab National Forest west of Flagstaff on January 2, 2022. The wolf had become well-known for his successful forays north of Interstate 40 and beyond the boundary of the current recovery area, demonstrating not only the resilience of his subspecies but also his instincts to seek ...

Make a donation today!

Giving Tuesday donate now

The Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing back wolves to help restore ecological health in the Grand Canyon region.

Help us bring back the wolves by becoming a monthly donor! Recurring donations help us plan for the future so we can schedule more educational programs and community events. Your donation will also provide us with the urgent resources we need to monitor more wolves in the wild and advocate for policies that allow wolves to roam freely. 

Together, we can make a difference for wolves! Donations are 100% tax-deductible! Simply fill out the form and choose to make an automatic monthly, quarterly, annual, recurring, or one-time donation. 

Pay with debit, credit, ACH, or Paypal

Mail-in Donations are accepted here:

Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project
P.O. Box 233
Flagstaff, AZ 86002

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Action & Events

Sat, Jun 15, 2024 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Visit our booth at Pride in the Pines!

Sat, Jun 29, 2024 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Visit us at the Children's Learning & Play Festival!

    Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project
    Claire Musser, Executive Director

    P.O. Box 233, Flagstaff, AZ, 86002-0233

    (928) 202-1325

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