The Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project works for the recovery of the Mexican gray wolf in the wild by
Use your voice on behalf of the endangered Mexican gray wolves!
We are here to celebrate and support the wolf who Arizona students recently named “Hope” and her family named the Kendrick Peak Pack.
The Kendrick Peak Pack live peacefully in the excellent wolf habitat near Flagstaff and Grand Canyon National Park, but Arizona Game and Fish Department and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service intend to capture and relocate them because they've roamed north of the unscientific, politically-motivated wolf boundary established at Interstate-40.
Instead, the agencies should allow the Kendrick Peak Pack to remain in the place where they've chosen to make their home, an area that wolves roamed for millennia before humans wiped them out.
Talking points:
The Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing back wolves to help restore ecological health in the Grand Canyon region.
Help us bring back the wolves by becoming a monthly donor! Recurring donations help us plan for the future so we can schedule more educational programs and community events. Your donation will also provide us with the urgent resources we need to monitor more wolves in the wild and advocate for policies that allow wolves to roam freely.
Together, we can make a difference for wolves! Donations are 100% tax-deductible! Simply fill out the form and choose to make an automatic monthly, quarterly, annual, recurring, or one-time donation.
Monthly donors will receive our exclusive monthly newsletter called Lobo Howls, where we piece together lobo stories from the Lobo Family Tree Project!
Mail-in Donations are accepted here:
Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project
P.O. Box 233
Flagstaff, AZ 86002