Letter to the Editor: Let wolves roam more widely

Arizona Daily Sun (Original) Posted August 11, 2013 by Janet Hoben

To the editor:

Thank you for your article "Wolves to roam toward Flagstaff?" Just a couple of weeks ago I spent the night in your city on my way up to Big Lake to attend the Mexican Wolf Howlout, put on by the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project, mexicanwolves.org, and many other wolf and wildlife advocacy groups. Many people, like me, flew in from across the nation in order to learn more about how we can help the extremely endangered population of wild Mexican gray wolves.

With fewer than 75 individuals in the wild, this is America's most endangered mammal, one that could be lost forever if immediate action isn't taken to save them.

But it wasn't just out-of-area people like me who showed up. Many people from Arizona and New Mexico were there, too. In fact, surveys show that the majority of citizens in both Arizona and New Mexico support the recovery of Mexican wolves. So let's all ask USFWS and the Departments of Game and Fish of both Arizona and New Mexico to stop up to the plate and release more wolves into the wild to increase the population and ensure genetic diversity. It's what the majority of people want, and it's the right thing to do.

Extinction is forever. Don't let this happen to Mexican gray wolves.

Janet Hoben

Burbank, Calif.