Wild & Scenic Film Festival - October 24 - 29, 2021

WSFF 2021 FB event GCWRP
Join the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project for our 12th annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour event! We are pleased to present this unique environmental film program to our communities in Northern Arizona and beyond as a Live Virtual Event and Video On Demand screening format.

Your General Admission Ticket includes viewing for the entire household
General Admission Ticket = $15

Sit back, relax, and enjoy an evening of 6 films featuring the inspiring stories of people and communities working to protect and restore wildlife, wildlife habitat, and our planet
Click Here for the Film Descriptions

A video on-demand recording of the event will be available to all ticket holders from October 24 - 29, so you can watch it anytime this week (or watch it again!) if you are joining us from a different time zone or can't make it during the live virtual event time.

Purchase your ticket today!

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